You Ever Wonder Why People Head Outdoors The Moment They Are Told To Stay Inside…Or Lessons In Takeaway Selling.

Watching the news during this crazy storm, said to be the worst ever recorded to hit the eastern seaboard, it amazes me seeing crazy folks outside dancing in the rain. One guy said on the news, “It’s Only Water, Whats The Big Deal.” Now that local deaths have been reported, and cell phones are getting […]

Just Got Sushi Delivered In A Hurricane. I Guess NY Has It’s Perks

As a Coloradan exiled to the tri-state area, and having spent the better part of the last Seven years in New York, and while I am currently evacuated to Brooklyn for the duration of the Hurricane, I decided to try to test the limits of the City that never sleeps. Sure enough, on my first […]

Who Else Wonders Why Reporters Stay In Harms Way During A Hurricane?

Have You ever wondered why journalists stay behind reporting on hurricanes and storms while everyone else is evacuating out of harms way? I evacuated my Jersey Shore residence three blocks from the beach to stay safe, and I am basically glued to the TV watching the news, both for updates about where I am in […]

Selling Storms, Hurricane Sandy and The Commercialization of Natural Disasters…

Have you ever wondered why hurricanes are given names? What about nicknames? We have hurricane Sandy threatening the entire eastern seaboard, and terrifying news media promoting it as Frankenstorm or Monster Mash, the combination of a northern cold front, full moon high tide, and a storm that claimed 43 lives already. I was in Costco […]

Fiverr Experiments Paying Off. Tenfold Traffic Logo Speed Colored

So, I know this video probably only took a few minutes to make, but i think its pretty cool. As you know, Fiverr is an excellent marketplace for buying services for 5 bucks. I have been playing around with it to promote my clients with some pretty solid results. Of course it helps to know […]

The Most Powerful Word In Marketing

Three Simple Letters are responsible for many of THE greatest marketing campaigns of all time. Just thinking about how powerful these words are makes me wonder if it is THE secret to success in all marketing, and literally THE magic pill that drives enormous sales and massive crowds of starving customers knocking on business doors. […]

“My Doctor Said Drink More Fluids, So I Drink Five Cans of Cherry Coke A Day.” -Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet responded, while discussing Michael Bloombergs’ soda tax on CNBC, when asked what his thoughts were about Bloombergs opposition to sugar drinks and such… considering Warren’s  large holdings in companies like Coke and Darry Queen … “I’m 82 years old, and I eat ice cream for breakfast some days and drink 5 cans of […]

What Is The Best Way To Advertise Your Business or How To Build The Best Marketing Plan?

I get this question all the time from clients ,friends and colleagues, ” I have very limited budgets, what is the best way to advertise my business?” People asking this question of course know deep down inside that there is not perfect fit solution to market their business, and there is not best way or place […]

Under The Hood of The Google Machine: Look What It Takes To Run A Search Engine

CBS went inside a North Carolina Google Data Center with Cameras, and it’s truly fascinating what goes on under the hood when you search in google. As a Search Engine Marketer, i am constantly fascinated by the hundreds of variables that affect search rankings, and blown away by the amount of data google must not […]

Exterminator Marketing Done Right and How to Drive Referrals

My Wife hired an exterminator today to get rid of some scary bugs hanging around our garage. She found him by calling a neighborhood friend to ask for a recommendation. She could have just as easily called Terminix, or one of the other big brands, or simply ran a local search in google to find […]