I had a great webinar earlier today where I showed my process for optimizing paid search campaigns, and eliminating wasteful spending. I don’t know yet when my next webinar will be or if I will give you access to the video recording of it, please leave a comment below if you are interested in me […]
Revealed: Nine Hidden Gems of The SEO and Content Marketing Worlds
I still remember that day that I had an epiphany so obvious, but so true it changed my life. This insight that has guided me well all of these years. The unbelievably important concept that… “Most problems and challenges are not unique to one person. Odds are, If you are facing a challenge, task or […]
Meet The Top Secret Spreadsheet That Google, Bing and Yahoo All Fear
This is the spreadsheet that has Google, Yahoo and Bing Terrified. Every resource you can possibly imagine for SEO, and online marketing is neatly compiled in this amazing Google Doc from Annie Cushing. It Covers everything from SEO analysis, to social media marketing, to data sources for content, to infographic submission sites, etc… This doc […]
The Ultimate List of Online Marketing Case Studies with Real Examples
One of my favorite things about the SEO space is how open everyone is with their case studies and strategies. I’ve written in the past how the value of attracting links and readers through great content is usually far more valuable that keeping your SEO strategies a secret. For this reason, the best SEO’s and […]
Two Negative Keyword Tools I Can’t Live Without
I spent most of the day today building out a PPC campaign for a new client in a very specialized B2B market. His big challenge is that while he only services commercial clients, many of the search terms overlap individuals who are too small for him to service. So, I set out to build him […]
The Only List of Free SEO Tools You’ll Ever Need – Over 100 of the Best Tools and Resources For SEO
Doing SEO today requires more than some know how of best practices and a website to work on. It requires amazing tools to help manage everything from technical analysis to project management. When you think about the fact that there are over 200 variables that affect search rankings, and thousands of pages competing with you […]