Want To Win More Customers? Make An Embarrasing Confession

This is kinda embarrassing, but…About a year ago I hired a moving company to move my property from New Jersey to Denver. They quoted me a price based on the weight of my belongings. Seemed reasonable enough until I discovered that not only do they not deliver the stuff themselves, but the freight company they […]

Why Some People Succeed and Others Don’t

I have a confession to make. I am not great at grammar. I sometimes switch between tenses and even worse, I sometimes even make stupid spelling mistakes. 95% of the time those mistakes are a product of rushing instead of slowing down. There is an old saying, “The Difference Between Smart and Stupid is Half […]

How To Never Need To Hire A Graphic Designer Ever Again

Every Once In a While a New Tool Comes Around That Is So MAGICAL, SO AMAZING, SO BRILLIANT, you can’t stop talking about it. Canva is one such tool. Its such a perfect user experience and pleasant process that delivers an amazing design afterwards that It is just amazing! I remember a bunch of years […]

My Biggest Takeaway From Authority Intensive 2014

I attended an incredible conference (Authority Intensive 2014)  last week produced by the wonderful folks from Copyblogger and as promised it was jam packed with immediately actionable insights. Too many to enumerate in this one post, but to give you a taste my biggest takeaway it was from Jason Millers presentation. Without knowing Jason I […]

How To Strike Up a Conversation With a Complete Stranger (or many) at a Conference (or anywhere else)

Meeting people at conferences is hard. If you are like me, it is very easy to talk yourself out of introducing yourself to a complete stranger wandering around a conference. Yet, you are there to network. The people around you are there to network. We are all human. We crave connection. Meeting people at exhibit […]

How To Create Winning Proposals in a Fraction of the Time

For the longest time my proposals were ugly. I used to believe that substance was much more important than image. I believed that if my proposals had meaningful insights, clear deliverables and timelines, and reasonable pricing, they would win over customers. I remember one story from a job I had a long time ago, where […]

What Facebooks Acquisition of Oculus VR Means For The Future of Marketing?

Facebook announced today the acquisition of virtual reality technology company Oculus VR. Engineers on Hacker News are up in arms about what it means for Facebook, a media company, to own a leader in the future of communication. The idea of immersive gaming is truly at our doorstep, and Star Trek like holodecks are on […]

Why I Started Doing Webinars and Why You Should Too

I recently decided to go exploring and started offering webinars for a very weird reason. Webinars are my hack for recording a screencast of my work. One of the main reasons webinars are such a popular marketing strategy is that event based marketing forces urgency to act and eliminates procrastination, which is the enemy of […]

Affiliate Marketers Are Suckers

“Doesn’t it make you feel dirty?” she sneered. I was at the tail end of a grueling all day interview at a top ad agency for a director of paid search position. I was sitting with the Head of Demand Generation, a fancy title which means,” I learned marketing in college, not from the streets.” […]

Free Resources From My PPC Webinar

I had a great webinar earlier today where I showed my process for optimizing paid search campaigns, and eliminating wasteful spending. I don’t know yet when my next webinar will be or if I will give you access to the video recording of it, please leave a comment below if you are interested in me […]