New Study: Facebook Will Win The Multi Screen Battle During The SuperBowl This Year.


This is the year of multi device engagement for Super Bowl viewers. Advertisers know this and have been doing everything they can think of to gain an edge before hand. Both with releasing teasers, as well as some releasing their entire commercial in advance. Some have even garnered millions of views already. Many brands consider this to be a two week long news cycle to target, and are doing everything in their power to win the engagement before, during and after the big game.

The problem is… Most brands are failing miserably at this.

Sure, Dannon Oikos ran an AMA on Reddit, and Bud Light is running PPC ads on every search around every advertisers Super Bowl ad spots. Axe is driving their hashtag home as are 12 other Super Bowl advertisers.


But none seem to realize that their missing out on the biggest opportunities. For starters, Google Plus is basically being completely ignored.



Jaguar is the only advertiser I could find doing anything on Google Plus to pregame  before the Super Bowl.


They are also showcasing their big game ads.


I ran searches on Google plus for a bunch of Super Bowl advertisers like Bud Light and Axe and only found pages that look like spam. Godaddy had some presence, but most are completely absent. Some are there like Coke and Godaddy, but not much in terms of really being prepared.

Why is this important? Well, Hashtags are Supported by most social networks now and Google plus is a force you can no longer afford to ignore, especially when over 18% of Super Bowl viewers plan on spending most of their time split between the Super Bowl and Google+. With 100,000.000 viewers expected to watch the big game, that is close to 20,000.000 people completely being ignored.

I ran a Survey asking users which social sites they will use the most during the game, and while Facebook dominated the pack, Google plus trumped Twitter, Reddit, and other options by 30%.


The good news is that some brands are actively promoting their hashtags on Facebook. Not all, but many.




If You Want To Dig Deeper Into The Survey Results… Here is a Public Link.


About David Melamed

David Melamed is the Founder of Tenfold Traffic, a search and content marketing agency with over $50,000,000 of paid search experience and battle tested results in content development, premium content promotion and distribution, Link Profile Analysis, Multinational/Multilingual PPC and SEO, and Direct Response Copywriting.

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