I still remember that day that I had an epiphany so obvious, but so true it changed my life. This insight that has guided me well all of these years. The unbelievably important concept that…
“Most problems and challenges are not unique to one person. Odds are, If you are facing a challenge, task or problem… Someone has already been there, done that, and more often than not is happy to share their solution.”
There is so much redundancy in the tasks people do in this world that there is almost always a way to find someone elses solution to your very problem. This is why I love things like sharing custom reports in analytics, or sharing adwords scripts, etc…
If you have been around the block in the SEO or online marketing world, you certainly spend a fair amount of time working in spreadsheets in Excel or Google Docs. I can’t count how many times I, or someone who works for me spent hours compiling lists of tools or resources or sites to target or negative keywords, or whatnot that would be helpful to much more than one specific client or instant.
The great thing is, with google docs, it is super simple to share it with everyone. So, there are many open minded SEO’s and online marketers who have invested countless hours compiling lists in spreadsheets, and have been kind enough to share it with the rest of us.
Blogs and Forums provide great information… But, Shared Google Docs are harder to find, and much more valuable.
I should point out that while many of these docs can be found shared across the Internet, sometimes it is hard to remember them, or track them down. For this reason I present to your the following Shared spreadsheets with resources that cover anything and everything you can possibly need.
1. Annie Cushings Must Have Tools – This resource is worth millions in the right hands. It has everything you can possibly need. You can hop on over to Annie’s blog and thank her as well.
2. Annie Cushings SEO Checklist – This is a great list of tasks to do for a complete SEO audit, etc… (much of this is done by SEO platforms, but this covers all the bases.
3. Seer Interactive’s SEO Toolbox – This doc grabs all sorts of cool data from everything from Google Analytics, to Klout to RavenTools, etc… You can head over to their site to learn much more about all it can do.
4. Jon Cooper’s Link Building List Organized By Rhea Drysdale – This list covers every single link building strategy out there and has excellent filters to search based on your resources, goals and time frames.
5. SEOGadgets Content Idea Generator – This docs finds all the most shared, liked and successful content for your keyword or industry online to help spark ideas. You can learn more here.
6. Delegator’s AlgoSleuth Penalty Checker – This tools pulls before and after Google Analytics reports for Google Algorithm updates to see if you were affected.
For those of you who want to create your own Google Docs scripts and share them with the community, this is an invaluable resource.
Here’s a guide on how to set up that awesome tool above.
This is also a nifty guide or using Google Docs for all sorts of cool stuff like web scraping, etc…
There are lots of other nifty tools, but here are some great ones that you can use in your spreadsheet or google doc.