Keep This In Mind and You’ll Have a Winning PPC Advertising Strategy

Here is how you need to think about paid search.

You are telling a story. You are engaged in a one on one conversation.

The persons query is them asking you a question.

Your ad is your answer to their question.

Their Click Through on your ad is them asking a new question. Tell me more.

Your website continues the conversation, answers their questions and informational pain points and hopefully guides them to taking the action you hope for.

This means that every single query, mapped to every single ad, mapped to every single landing page has their own unique DNA, their own version of a story.

Like those old choose your own adventure books (gosh I miss those…along with Oregon Trail and Math Munchers), each funnel will have a different story to tell, and it would be a very big mistake to forget about the story you are telling when creating and matching up keywords with ads and landing pages.

It would be an even bigger mistake to assume each ad group is telling the same story.

To really follow this guideline, here is what you should do.

Using the Ad Preview and Diagnostic Tool… Click on a keyword to see what that search results page looks like. Now, think about how well your ad matches up to that specific query. Look around at the other ads, and see how well it fits in and how effectively it stands out.

Now, click on the ad, and keeping in mind both the query, and the ad copy, look at the landing page. Is there a clear flow in the process from the query to the completed call to action? Can you write out that customer journey into a story?

Does your landing page fulfill the implied and explicit promises of your ad? Does your offer something compelling to someone who searches with that query?

Does your call to action satisfy the needs of that searcher?

The best copywriters talk about how important it is to “Join The Conversation” going on in your prospects head. Picture them talking to themselves as they go through this funnel, and see if everything flows well and is congruent.

If so, you have a winner. If not, you need to plug those holes.

People often wonder why hiring someone like myself for paid search is expensive. The answer is that when you know what it really takes to succeed and run paid search properly, it really takes a lot of time, effort, energy, and of course expertise.

Imagine going through the process above for hundreds of ad groups, thousands of keywords, and dozens of landing pages. (and that’s just one small piece of the puzzle.)

It always amazes me when people negotiate prices on service contractors. Often, those price cuts force them to cut corners, corners which belong in place. So, if you are interested in NOT cutting any corners, and really doing your paid search right. You know how to reach me!

About David Melamed

David Melamed is the Founder of Tenfold Traffic, a search and content marketing agency with over $50,000,000 of paid search experience and battle tested results in content development, premium content promotion and distribution, Link Profile Analysis, Multinational/Multilingual PPC and SEO, and Direct Response Copywriting.


  1. David is a marketing GENIUS!

    • Yes, he is! I’ve been hanging around of his blog for a little bit now and I have to say that this post is the one that stands out the most for me. There is such a great amount of information and it all makes so much sense – which is aware because I often read blogs that I don’t feel go into enough detail or are clear in their descriptions for those who are just starting out.

  2. I have to say that I loved how you were liking pay per click advertising to conversations, questions and adventure books. I have to admit that it’s something that I’m not very familiar with and not something I’m involved with at the moment, though at some point it will be what I’m investing in. You’ve also done a good job at explaining why it needs to be done right and how corners shouldn’t be cut and the understanding you have of how to make it work is quite obvious. For someone who wants to start out with this in the future, do you have any tips other than the strategies you’ve mentioned here?

  3. No, I’m not really familiar with it either, but this really was a great introduction to the strategy that comes with implementing paid per click for a website. Like Kate, I’d love to know if you have any other tips as well. And out of curiosity, how much to you tend to interact with PPC ads? As in, do you often find yourself clicking on them. I tend to ignore them myself.

    • Ah, yeah so do I, so that’s a great question. I mean, it’s very obvious that there is a market and that internet ads do help. Any form of advertising is beneficial and people keep paying it, but it’s almost hard to justify the thought of starting with it when I just brush them off as well. It’s really rare that I’ll end up clicking in something even though I know that they’re tailored to be of potential interest to me.

  4. I agree that advertising is beneficial in any form, though it does have to be done right. Including PPC, David, what advertisement have you found to be the most beneficial, for you personally or people that you work (though I know you’re probably not going to say Social Media Marketing because I’ve read your post on that.) Sorry to chime in with yet another question, but I am quite curious.

  5. Is this the right one about Social media? ( I feel kind of guilty now because I’m one of those people that sends of Candy Crush requests, but at the same time, I do get the point that this might not be the best avenue to be pushing when you’re marketing. From what I have read, PPC does seem like a better thing to be investing.

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